We have begun planning the 2025 Derby. More information to come.
Derby begins at daylight and weigh in closes at 1pm. The prize ceremony starts at 3pm at Pt Defiance Boathouse.
We would like to thank our sponsors: Gafco Roofing & Construction, Sportco, Outdoor Emporium, Silver Horde, Columbia Distributing, Les Schwab, Pro Cure, Fins Reel, Fish Hunt Northwest, Raymarine, FishEng, Lead Molder, Raider Boats, Romaine Electric, Sportsman Warehouse, Beau Mac, Scotty, & Saltwater Pimp Co.
South King County Puget Sound Anglers 2022
Salmon Derby Rules
1. All Fisherman must adhere to current Washington State Fishing Rules and Regulations.
2. Derby Fish may only be caught in Marine Areas 11, or 13. You may only weigh in 1 fish, no upgrades will be allowed.
3. Tickets cost $35, except kids 14 and under are free. Ticket sales are final NO REFUNDS. Free kids tickets are for kids prizes only and kids must be accompanied by an Adult ticket holder. If a kid wishes to compete for the main prizes or drawing, they must have a paid ticket. Kids with a paid ticket will be eligible for all prizes. NO Ticket Sales after 5:00 am August 6th, 2022.
4. Everyone in the same boat must have a derby ticket. This includes children, skippers and mates aboard charter boats. If any person aboard any boat that had derby contestants fishing does not have a derby ticket, all ticket holders aboard that boat will be disqualified from the derby. Provided that infants and small children not angling and not in possession of a WDFW Catch Record Card shall not be required to have a ticket.
5. One $250 prize will be awarded for the largest salmon caught by a current paid member of any Puget Sound Anglers Chapter. Proof of current membership will be required at weigh in.
6. One $250 prize will be awarded for the largest salmon caught by an Active duty, Reserve member or Veteran of the U.S. Armed Forces. Verification may be required in the form of military ID, Veterans Organization membership or copy of DD214.
7. Derby Fish can only be caught between daylight and 1:00 pm Saturday August 6th, 2022.
8. All derby fish must be transported by boat, via water to either Des Moines Marina or Pt. Defiance Boathouse in Tacoma.
9. The Weigh Stations will operate between the hours of 8:00 am until 1:00 pm on Saturday August 6th, 2022. Time of weigh in will be used as a tiebreaker. A coin toss will decide an identical time tie. Fishermen MUST be in line by 1:00 pm. NO EXCEPTIONS!
10. All Fish must be weighed in whole, NOT cleaned and dressed.
11. All Derby Fish must be weighed, marked and logged in by a Derby Official and signed by the contestant to be eligible for awards. Contestants must show a valid derby ticket and may be asked to show a valid Washington State Saltwater fishing license and a valid Washington State Salmon Record Card showing the catch properly recorded before entering a legal fish in the derby.
12. Any foreign substances found in a fish will disqualify the entry
13. Any fish that appears to be altered in any way will be disqualified without recourse.
14. The decisions of the Derby Officials are FINAL.
15. Attendance at the awards and photo ceremony is required * to receive prizes. Prize ceremony will be held at Pt. Defiance Boathouse at 3:00 pm on August 6th, 2022.
16. All winners are responsible for any taxes that may be due as a result of the winning any prize and shall be required to submit to Derby Officials any tax identification information, including Social Security numbers, in order to qualify for the prize. Merchandise prizes shall have no cash value. All prizes shall be final at the time of award.
17. With the purchase of a Derby Ticket, persons entering the Derby and/or providing assistance to the Derby Officials or Contestants do so at their own free will and thereby hold the Sponsors, City of Des Moines, Pt Defiance Boathouse, the City of Tacoma, and the South King County Puget Sound Anglers and anyone else involved harmless for any damages or claims that may arise.
18. By entering the Derby, each angler or participant acknowledges and agrees that his or her contact information may be made available to sponsors and each entrant further acknowledges that he or she may be contacted by all Derby sponsors. Anglers and participants who prefer not to be contacted by sponsors should send an email pugetsoundanglers@outlook.com advising SKCPSA not to share their contact information with third parties.
19. No contestant may win more than one “ladder” prize (i.e. a prize based on the size of the fish) regardless of the number or the size of the fish entered.
*Participants may designate someone to receive their prize by notifying a Derby Official at the time of weigh in.